I just visited you web site, and I wanted to tell you that it scared the life out of me. Was that your intent? I really only took a look at the page with the fifty one questions on it. I had to answer yes to 42 of them, 7 were no, and two were questionable. If you are looking for "credible witnesses" don't bother with me. I have been labled a paranoid schizophrenic. I am only sending you this because it scared me so much, and I feel I need to know more. At the same time, though, I am absolutely TERRIFIED to find out. ( I feel the same conflict with anything to do with UFOs or extra-terrestrials.) Just attempting to write this has given me one of the worst anxiety attacks of my life.
Can you tell me... is there any very inexpensive way to find out if there is some sort of alien implant in my ear? When I ask my doctor (psychiatrist) he says I am having delusions. ( I might as well mention that ALL of my delusions concern aliens doing things to me. Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Fred
Having been through EXACTLY what you are going through, all I can say to you is RUN as fast as you can away from the mental health professionals. I would be more afraid of them than our "visitors".
I lived through 8-years of anxiety-panic attacks due to repeated low level sightings, hooded appariations, and nighttime visitors by sheer guts and determination to find out what the hell was going on. Finally after a couple of hours of hypnotic regresssion work (and 10-years of serious research) I found out I was okay and that the phenomena was really real.
No one can help you but yourself. I would suggest you read our in-depth feature article entitled "On Coping With Fear" on our netpage. Bottom-line is: once you come to the realization that "they" are not going to hurt you, or kill you, you will become less afraid and begin to understand more about your encounter events.
As far as a possible implant in your ear, borrow or rent one of those electronic stud finders and run it over your ear (and body), especially the left side. These implants are highly magnetically charged and will often register on such a device. I have had an implant in my nose for years, and have no intention of having it taken out. It doesn't hurt, and it's there for a good reason. Some day I'll find out what that reason is?
Again, I stress that you need to learn more about the phenomena on your own and stop going to doctors. They always look for psychopathological problems and most have had no training whatsoever in humanistic or transpersonal psychology, let alone 'alien' encounters. For example, my mother-in-law was committed to a mental hospital (over my most streneous objections) for seeing lights in the sky and hearing voices. Her problem was that she lost control because of her fear of the phenomena. Please don't let this happen to you. You are a NORMAL experiencer, one of us.
If you are taking any prescribed medication or OTC drugs (e.g. aspirin), you should immediately discontinue these medications (unless of course you have a serious physical health problem). Ditto with caffine, alcohol, and nicotine. Drink tons of water. Stop eating meat. Listen to your body, and help yourself through this pscho-physical transformation process. We are literally being changed, and you MUST help yourself along.
Read every story and article on our page. Settle down and work your way through this. Accept it as real. Remember that you are not alone, hundreds of thousands of us (if not millions) are going through this. Are we all "deluded"?
Please keep me posted as to your progress. Take care, Editor